

With the new year underway, you may be looking for ways to spice up your practice; dig a little deeper and tap into that playful, creative side that may be a little shy.  Yogalifer Sara Cueva shares her love and excitement for arm balances, an aspect of the physical practice that can intrigue some and terrify others.


"Don't be afraid to stumble and fall down a little, most often it's doing what scares us the most that offers the greatest rewards" - OTH


I fell in love with arm balances early in my practice.  I've always adopted a playful approach to them, bringing out that innocence of play, that freedom to explore and try new things. These are something that can induce a lot of fear in people.  Arm balances evoke a fear of the unknown (moreso than most asana or poses).  


Learning to overcome that on your mat, being able to challenge that fear inspires such positive change in your life, even off of the mat.  To do so, we must acquire a level of trust within ourselves which is developed by learning to place our bodies in intelligent ways.  


I love teaching arm balances because I love that moment of clarity, of courage, of light, in a students face when they overcome their fear, when they discover that openness to trying something new and scary, and that victory smile when they realize that they can prevail.    


We emerge Strong. Confident. Courageous. Free.


- Sara


If arm balances intrigue you and you're looking to deepen this playful, strong side of your practice join Sara at Yogalife Studios North on Saturday, January 11th from 3:30-6:30 pm to dive in and take flight! Register here.



Recipes by Sarah Gardner: Granola


New Years Quote