Weekend Relax Breakfast (Strawberry Kiwi Quinoa Delight)


Inspired by Roberto Martin’s Quinoa and Berry Breakfast Cereal


When Saturday and Sunday stroll right along, the snooze button becomes a friendly acquaintance. Students and the nine to five goers bask in caught up sleep and comfort that their morning routine can change. Cereal, toast and fruit can become the quickest forms of sustenance when we are on the go. The weekends tell another story. Time constraints can dwindle, allowing weekenders to commute to the farmers market or supermarket to pick up some ingredients for breakfast experimentation. It can be a tad exasperating not seeing the food items you need for a new recipe, but the circumstance challenges creativity to transpire-exactly how the Weekend Relax Breakfast emerged.




-Almond or Soy Milk (1/2 cup)

-Water (1/2 cup)

-Quinoa (1/2 cup)

-Pecans (1/3 cup crushed)

-Kiwis (2 sliced)

-Strawberries (10 medium sliced)

-Dried Cranberries or Raisins (1/3 cup)

-Ground Cinnamon (1/2-1 tablespoon)

-Agave Nectar (1/2-1 tablespoon)



In a medium saucepan add the almond or soy milk, water, pecans, dried cranberries or raisins and ground cinnamon. On medium heat, stir every few minutes until the blended mixture gradually begins to simmer.


In the meantime, you can slice the fruit into a bowl. Plastic wrap the bowl and store it in the fridge.


By this time the mixture should be simmering and you can add the quinoa to the blend. Give it a few stirs to disperse the quinoa. Reduce the heat to low and cover. In about 15-20 minutes, the quinoa should soak up the liquid. Add the agave nectar and give it a whirl. Take the fruit and add it to the confection. Voila, you have got yourself a Weekend Relax Breakfast.


Pertinent Facts


-Strawberries and kiwis offer a great source of vitamin C

-Quinoa can substitute oatmeal and cereal

-Quinoa contains a rich source of fiber and protein

Final Thoughts


Weekends: Doing Whatever You Need To Do To Unwind From The Week. Cooking is a tool I use to take a break from studying. It may not be everyone’s forte, exhibit A right here, but it promotes you to explore your inner child, the part that hides during the week and explores on the weekend.


“Cooking is at once child’s play and adult joy” –Craig Claiborne




Recipes by Sarah Gardner: Southwest Quinoa Salad

