The Importance of Humility

"The quality or condition of being humble"


"Being humble in all endeavours keeps you in the mindset of a student. You’re always open to learning, and never think you know more than you do. Sometimes getting too comfortable in any discipline invokes a sense of hubris that you might not even recognize."

Humility is a staple teaching of yogic philosophy. You have most likely heard, repeatedly, some offering on the importance of being humble; approaching your practice from a beginners mind and staying in the moments of discomfort to reach the softness within that lesson right around the corner. Many avenues of the practice lead back to the withdrawal of ego, which is in turn the art of humility.




Understanding where you are at and what you need from your practice is incredibly important. This is very different than your neighbour's practice, what your teacher can "do", or how you practiced yesterday (or a year ago, or five years ago). Discerning what space you are in - the capacity of your head, heart and body in THIS moment - allows you to retain the respect upon which to build your practice. In this place of respect, patience and listening, you will find your humble self and be able to serve that person in the most fitting way. And if you try something and it doesn't work, even better. There are deep lessons in imperfection.

Thankfully, yoga is no cookie cutter game! Return to your beginner self, drop out of expectations, and just enjoy the ride.

"The discomfort of beginning is a healthy sign. It makes us vulnerable; it softens us. Remaining a beginner in everything we do — and trying out new things regularly — keeps us moving ahead." Beres


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