Melissa Perret's Yoga Journey


Melissa Perret has been with our studios since the very beginning and is notorious for her infectious laughter, and her challenging classes! In 2004, Melissa attended her first yoga class in South Korea, and that's where her journey began. She was drawn to the instructor's energy, and continued to attend Hatha classes with this instructor for the 4 years she was there, and it was there she learned how to let go. Letting go, of both material and emotional baggage was a theme Melissa wanted to carry with her back home. When she began teaching at Yogalife, in 2010, she became more intrigued by the practice of Ashtanga. It was from here, she felt that the natural progression was towards a 300 hour teacher training for the second series of Ashtanga in Rishikesh.


I practice Mysore everyday except Saturdays and Moon days. It's led me to discover so much about my body, breath, drishti, gaze, concentration and moving meditation that I hope to inspire others to let go of the exterior.


Below is a video of Melissa, where she gives a quick introduction to who she is as a person, and gives us insight to her yoga journey. If you plan to attend one of Melissa's classes, get ready to work hard, challenge yourself, but still maintain a light heart, and walk away with a smile on your face.



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