Taylor Nystad: Ironwoman!




Yogalife Studio South GSR (Guest Services Rep!) Taylor Nystad is taking off on July 23rd to complete her first Ironman Competition in Whistler, BC. We couldn't be more proud of this huge undertaking, and we want to share a bit of Taylor's story with you.


For those of you that aren't familiar with the parameters of the Ironman, it consists of the following:


Swimming 3.8 km

Biking 180 km

Running 42.2 km (a full marathon in itself!)


She has 17 hours to complete the three components.  Taylor has been training on average 15 hours a week, and only started running 2 years ago. She is excited to see what she's capable of and we know she's going to ROCK it!  Check out what Taylor has to say about this experience below:



Taylor talks about her journey towards the Ironman in Whistler! from Yogalife Studios on Vimeo.


Unify Festival


Foundation Friday: Savasana