5 Drinks to Warm Your Soul This Holiday Season

I’m not sure about you, but 90% of the reason I can handle the wintertime is because I absolutely adore cozying up to a nice log fire place, wrapped in a fuzzy Costco blanket, holding a hot cup of something steamy.

Not being much of an advocate for chain cafes, I’ve cruised through the Edmontonian café scene and am reporting back to you with some of the best (and original) hot cups of heaven for you to try next time you’re craving a little more than a standard coffee.

Café Mosaics

10844 82 Avenue NW | https://www.cafemosaics.com


Mellow Yellow.

Choosing just one drink from Café Mosaics may have been the hardest thing I’ve had to do in a while, but thankfully, I’m a bit biased in favour of turmeric.

Imagine pumpkin spice, but natural, good for you, and not drowning in sugar. This spiced turmeric latte is going to make you swear off of Starbucks when you taste the kick this latte leaves you with.

Woodrack Café

 7603 109 Street NW | https://www.thewoodrackcafe.com


White Hot Earl Latte.

This was arguably the best original drink I’ve come across on my Edmonton exploration. This is a lavender London Fog combined with a white hot chocolate; each flavour being extremely delicate and ever-so subtle.

The only downside to most of the gorgeously crafted drinks out there is you really feel like you can’t have more than one. This, however, I reckon I could consume a bathtubs worth in a sitting and still feel pretty proud about my day.

Mandolin Books & Coffee Co.

6419 112 Avenue NW | mandolinbooks.com


Red Symphony.

A red rooibos tea with white hot chocolate, topped with honey and whip cream.

I’m sorry, what? Whoever created this beautiful concoction must have a sweet tooth as big as YEG itself. Normally sweets are just not my forte (I’m more of a Salt & Vinegar chips kind of girl), but I could not be more than happy that I’ve stumbled upon it. Its perfectly creamy consistency pulling different yet complementing flavours in from every direction made each sip taste like Christmas without feeling like my teeth were about to rot away.

Remedy Café

Multiple Locations | remedycafe.ca


Almond Kashmire Chai.

Let’s admit it: You can’t have a “Top 5 Hot Drinks” blog post and not include a chai off of Remedy’s list. Although the standard chai is equally as to die for, the kasmire chai just adds that touch of extra love and  delicacy with its added ground pistachios and rose petals that take this hot drink from spicy to smooth and florally.

My tip: change your standard 2% milk out for almond milk to make your chai add some more of those delightful nutty flavours.

Bru Coffee + Beer House

11965 Jasper Avenue | www.brucoffeeandbeerhouse.com


Dark Chocolate Peppermint Mocha.

Bru uses 64% extra-bitter Guayaquil cocoa for all of their chocolate based drinks, and when it hits your lips, you will feel a wave of respect and gratefulness for it take over your body. Keep in mind all of the benefits dark chocolate: . You’re doing your body a favour by ordering this.

PS. Did I mention that that it comes with a candy cane and/or mini marshmallows, served in a Christmas mug? As if you couldn’t love a drink more.


Holiday Shopping: The Local Gifter


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