
Josh is a dedicated learner, a career student of life and growth. Whatever he does he tries to learn and progress. After completing 2 degrees in University and realizing the corporate world was not for him, he stumbled onto yoga. At a time of his life, where transition was huge, leaving the corporate world behind, abandoning his area of education, he found his passion.

As Josh deepens in his yogic life, he has come to realize that he was living in a very yogic way for much longer than he has been practicing yoga. Currently, Josh finds his state of “Flow” while practicing yoga. Before yoga, Josh found his “flow” while competing on his many basketball and volleyball teams while growing up. Josh’s “Flow” state is where he is able to let go of the world and be totally present with what is in front of him. He also recalls times as a child and young adult paying attention to his breathe, what he now knows as pranayama (breathing). He used it in the same way as pranayama is used in yoga classes, to calm his mind, to slow his mind, to become more present.

Josh has been privileged to be able to lead yoga since October of 2012 after completing his 200hr yoga teacher training with Blissologist, Eoin Finn. Since then he has continued his education learning from teachers such as Christina Sell, Ryan Leier, Tiffany Cruikshank, Rockne White and Srivatsa Ramaswami.. Josh is currently in his 500hr teacher training with Empowered Yoga, lead by Michele Theoret and will be finished this November.