Hi, I am Krystal Prout, mother, yoga practitioner and instructor raising two amazing kiddos.

Yoga had always been a whisper and for years I had wanted to try a class. In the fall of 2015 I had two small children when a local yoga studio opened in my small town. I was looking to gain strength and flexibility and also get a little bit of "me time" in too. It only took two or three classes before I started to feel an inner shift. I fell in love with the physical practice all while unknowingly beginning an internal healing journey.

As I began to do "the work", (the external physical practice), it simultaneously began to start the work internally.

My teacher would always say in class "we've opened up the front side, the backside...but the hardest part to open is the inside" and this is exactly what happens when we continue to go deep in our practice.

After taking my training and learning so much about the yogic concepts, I really wanted to begin to live true to myself. Taking responsibility, honoring myself and how I choose to speak, behave, and treat my body and those around me. Of course, I still have a lifetime of work to do but yoga has pushed me to explore my values and lean into virtue. As I continue to learn and grow as a practitioner and teacher, incorporating and integrating the lessons I am called to continue the next phase of my journey which is to share what I have learned and teach others that they too can build strength from the inside out.

My hope for you is to trust in your abilities. Trust that you have what it takes to strengthen your body, strengthen your practice and build the confidence to believe in your infinite potential and that your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.

Namaste, Krystal
