Core Focused Flow

Welcome to Core, a dynamic Vinyasa Flow yoga practice that focuses on strengthening and defining the core muscle groups. In this class, we will engage in a series of movements designed to challenge and activate the essential muscles of the torso, including the front, back, and sides.

Through a combination of stabilizing exercises, repetitive movements, and holds, we will work towards building a strong and resilient core. Be prepared to feel the burn as we cultivate strength and endurance in this energizing practice.

Core classes are not only about toning and strengthening the abdominal muscles but also about stabilizing and supporting the entire body from the inside out. Whether you are an athlete looking to enhance your performance, someone seeking to deepen their existing yoga practice, or simply up for a new challenge, this class is suitable for all levels.

Join us in this class and discover the transformative power of a strong core as we move, breathe, and flow together. Get ready to unlock your inner strength and embrace the benefits of a focused and empowered core.


Family Yoga Classes


Slow Flow