Introducing the Class of 2014: Uttara Vidya 200-Hr YTT Grads!



It's been a long, introspective, snort-kombucha-out-of-your-nose hilarious, challenging journey—full of asana, alignment, anatomy and ancient philosophy—but the graduates of Yogalife's first-ever Yoga Alliance-certified Uttara Vidya 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training have finally completed their learning adventure. Or has it only just begun...



The idea for a Yogalife teacher training came long ago. Yogalife's studio director Lindsey Park says this dream of hers has been a long time coming. After years of seed-planting and mental prep, and months of pulling together plans, photos, manuals, and assembling a team of facilitators, Yogalife's school of Uttara Vidya, or Higher Learning, was ready. With 25 eager students and three willing teachers, the first of Uttara Vidya's 200 hours began on May 9th, 2014.



Yogalife's teacher training was the most transformative time of my life. I grew significantly as a practitioner and as a person. It was fantastic to be led by three of the most amazing people I've had the pleasure of meeting, and to make so many new friends. The environment was a supportive and safe place to grow and change and I wouldn't have changed a single thing about my experience.

-Brandi Armstrong, CYT-200


With four full weekends and a two-week intensive behind them—hours upon hours (200 of them!) full of heart-opening and hatha, build-ups and breakdowns, sweat, laughter, and tears—Lindsey, Brittany, and Brandon present 25 freshly-certified teachers into Edmonton's yoga community, full with wisdom and ready to share. Look for these beauties at an upcoming Yogalife Karma class (at Yogalife North, Saturdays at 11 a.m., and Yogalife South, Sundays at 1:30 p.m.).


Congratulations, Uttara Vidya Graduates of 2014!!!

Look for Uttara Vidya's next YTT 200-Hr Training program coming in early 2015, registration opening soon. If you have any questions in the interim, please feel free to contact Uttara Vidya at



Foundation Friday: Downward Facing Dog


Edmonton Folk Music Festival